Since I turned 32 yesterday. I thought that now is the time to manage my money better. So I started clipping coupons! I found a great deal.
Walgreen's had a deal for 2 Irish Spring deodorants for $ you get $4 register rewards dollars back, I also had two $1 dollar off coupons...
Then I went and used the $4 register rewards dollars on this purchase on another thing I wanted the Irish Spring body wash which had a similar sale.. 2/$6 with $4 register reward dollars back.
I used those $4 register reward dollar for Angel Soft Tissue - 9 rolls of tissue.
I got all 5 items for $2.16 cents. WOW!
here is the coupon
Walgreen's had a deal for 2 Irish Spring deodorants for $ you get $4 register rewards dollars back, I also had two $1 dollar off coupons...
Then I went and used the $4 register rewards dollars on this purchase on another thing I wanted the Irish Spring body wash which had a similar sale.. 2/$6 with $4 register reward dollars back.
I used those $4 register reward dollar for Angel Soft Tissue - 9 rolls of tissue.
I got all 5 items for $2.16 cents. WOW!
here is the coupon
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