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The greatest freebie I've ever gotten in my life! Oprah Lifeclass Journal

I absolutely love and adore Oprah. Most people who know me know this one thing about me. They are all probably are annoyed by how much I talk about her. Why I love her so much? Well it's like this. My imagination and desire to be more than where I came was stemmed from my mother being a drug addict since I was two years old. I was so ashamed to have her as a mother that in my mind I would make myself believe that Oprah and Whoopi Goldberg were my mother. The woman who is my actual mother I would say was just a sister. My mother and I are 18 years apart her having me at an early age. As the saying goes everyone has a story huh?

This year my dream came true I drove over 16 hours in one day that's 1,005 miles from Texas to Chicago on a last minute whim to attend the Oprah Winfrey show February 23, 2011. I had to turn around and come back for work the next day.
Can you believe it! I still can't. If you talk to me about it I literally will GLOW like Glow Worm! Forget a lottery I hit like the lottery of all lotteries in getting to shake her hand. I got to attend the Oprah Winfrey Show! Just thinking about it makes me excited. Best experience of my life.

I attended the show with Willow Smith. The topic was a show on the most Talented children and them pursuing their dreams. I realized not until now that I didn't have a childhood and I was grieving that innocence. I wasn't allowed to dream or feel safe in what I wanted to do in life. I wasn't encouraged to do or be anything but be a babysitter and caretaker for my siblings. Attending this show made me realize that you can follow your dreams and your passions the little girl inside of me was ecstatic to say the least.

Most people always tell me, "Edria, Oprah is just a person just like you and I" or better yet my work studies "Edria she is just a normal person who wants to go to the bathroom without being stalked." My comeback is that I don't put her on a pedestal like she is super human or some form of GOD and I would never hunt her down in a bathroom that is creepy as hell. I love her and am in awe of how GOD uses people in others lives to influence without them even knowing them or how GOD can allow people to walk in their own greatness. I have always known I was meant for more than where I came from and what I've done. I don't say that in arrogance I say it because I feel it and it has always scared me to pieces but as I have gotten older it no longer does. I embrace it.

The day before I attended the show was one of the lowest days of my life. I was probably the most depressed that I have ever been in my life. I always thought in my 30's I would be this great woman who was acting, writing, public speaker, and being in charge of something. I wanted to be a business woman and had dreams of being the Puff Daddy of business and technology.

I was 31 and in a dead end job to no where. I sat outside of the job I was working at and said in my heart of hearts. I feel like I have not accomplished anything in life. I kid you not I went back up to the 6th floor of the building and there was an email about attending the show. I had just received my tax refund back and I was leery... do I keep what I have left and scrounge off it or do I pursue this dream to meet this woman I admire as a beacon of light. I kid you not.. everything in me said GO! I WENT and I have no regrets about it.

One of the lessons I learned on October 28, 2011 during her Lifeclass - Oprah seemed agitated and embarrassed that she who is the gift giver of all gift givers was unable to come through on time. She loves to journal so sharing it with others and giving of herself means the world to her. I sensed that it hurt her when people started complaining about not getting the journals. It actually hurt my heart and I wanted to cry that people were so ungrateful. (I'm a social worker and natural analyzer of EVERYTHING so this is just my perception of the situation)

The lesson I learned from this is that if someone is doing something for you out of the kindness of their heart or giving you something just be grateful. There is no need to be angry if they disappoint you because you are not owed anything. She didn't have to do anything for us but she did. T give us journals (1 million people) was a jester of good will in inviting us to have a public intimate conversation on things most people don't verbalize. I want to continue to have a spirit of gratitude everyday in every situation even the painful and hurtful situations. I want to love people even who have hurt me :-)~.

Since her show is coming back in March 2012 and my 33rd birthday is coming up I think this is going to be my new thing of starting a Oprah Life Class Group and just get a group of people who sit around and learn from each other. :-) I pray you join me!

My greatest lesson is always keep the spirit of gratitude.



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